
Monday, April 21, 2008

The role of student evaluation in improving the quality of teaching and learning practices at the Central University of Technology, Free State

Worldwide there seems to be an interest in enhancing the student learning experience through particularly interactive learning, which is an educational philosophy that places the student at the centre of the learning process. Such an approach acknowledges the educational contexts from which students come. What is even more important is the fact that the learning facilitator (lecturer) is supposed to monitor the students' progress much more progressively toward achieving specific and generic objectives. However, to achieve this and to ensure that learning is maximised, it is imperative for institutionss to continuously receive feedback about the quality of the learning process and experience. Consequently student evaluation has been introduced by almost all quality assurance agencies in higher education. In this article we reflect on the student evaluation system that the Central University of Technology, Free State has developed over a period of three years and discuss the findings of the research thus far.
From: SAJHE 21 (5) 2007

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