
Monday, May 19, 2008

Teacher preparation for diversity at three South African universities - Maureen Robinson and Denise Zinn

This article reports on a study into how lecturers at three universities offering pre-service teacher education in the Western Cape are preparing future primary school teachers for diversity in classrooms and schools. The study is located within a social justice orientation to education, where teacher preparation aims to reduce barriers to learning experienced by learners from a variety of social settings. It describes how these teacher educators are responding and/or contributing to this challenge. The findings highlight the demographics of the lecturers and student teachers in the cohort, as well as lecturers' orientation to the topic and their specific classroom interventions. The article concludes by arguing for greater coherence in this work and for recognition of the systemic issues impacting on teacher preparation for diversity.
From: Journal of Education, Vol. 42 (2007)

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